Title: Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru
Original title: いきなりあなたに恋している
Length: Medium (10 - 30 hours)
Year: Japan 2011-07-29, English Patch 2013-11-24
Developer: Makura
Publishers: Makura
Language: English
Voice: Japanese
Translation: Ate the Moon Translations
High-spirited Tane, bitter smiling Eika, cold gazing Ryou and new resident Tsumugu. How did Chouji’s normal life suddenly become like the Palace of Versailles? The story is constructed like a slice-of-life light novel, albeit with lots of ichaicha since there’s four heroines who are already at max affection with him.
You need to change system locale to Japanese.
Run bootmenu.exe and click the first button.
Then click “next” and uncheck all boxes. (You don’t need to install the whole game, but you can do it if you want. If you install the whole game, you’ll have to apply the English patch manually from the translator’s site or just copy the files from the game folder.)
Then click “next” > “next” > “next” > “finish”.
Game files will be installed in C:\枕\いきなりあなたに恋している All you need in this directory is the file “key.dat”.
Copy key.dat in the game folder(“Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru”)
After copying the file “key.dat” you can uninstall if you want.
Install ikikoi_custom font in folder “Font” and start the game with cs2.exe(the exe file in folder “Ikinari Anata ni Koishiteiru”, not the one in folder “C:\枕\いきなりあなたに恋している”)
!!! In short, you just need to install with the minimum files required(less than 20MB), then move/copy the file “key.dat” from folder “C:\枕\いきなりあなたに恋している” to the game folder(the one you download). /You’ll have to do it again if you move the game folder to another PC./
Changing font:
Changing cursor: