Title: Dawn of Kagura: Keika’s Story
Developer: Debo no Su Seisakusho (Website)
Publisher: Shiravune (Website)
Release date: Japanese 2021-01-22, English 2021-12-17
Version: Final
Language: English (Official)
Censored: Yes (Mosaics)
Voice: Japanese
Store: Johren
When Keika receives a request to vanquish yokai, her younger sister, Hatsuka, is already out on another quest. Determined to set a good example for Hatsuko, who often fails to show up to training, Keiko visits the village Shinto priest who made the request, who tells her of a giant monkey yokai who has led other yokai on a rampage in and around his village. She confidently accepts the request alone, believing that her powers as a priestess would help overcome them...