Title: Dawn of Kagura: Natsu’s Story
Developer: Debo no Su Seisakusho (Website)
Publisher: Shiravune (Website)
Release date: Japanese 2020-11-20, English 2021-12-17
Version: Final
Language: English, Chinese (Official)
Censored: Yes (Mosaics)
Voice: Japanese
Store: Johren
Product list Products, Roguelike Dawn of Kagura: Natsu’s Story
Dawn of Kagura: Natsu’s Story
One day, Natsu is alone at her shrine when the chief of a nearby village approaches her, seeking her assistance. He informs her that youkai are running rampant near the village and requests that she help vanquish them. While reluctant to leave her shrine unattended, Natsu resolves to head alone into battle with the youkai and save the nearby village once and for all.