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MP Creative - The One Word App

MP Creative - The One Word App

410 pages
681 mb.
Nola downloads an app that will load truthful statements about whichever person is targeted. She is allowed to alter a single word of the sentence and reality will shift, making that statement true as well.
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MP Creative - A Superheroines Nightmare

MP Creative - A Superheroines Nightmare

121 pages
100 mb.
A strange woman in black gets the better of a cocky superheroine. Little did she know, the lady in black implanted her with a receiver that gives her complete control over her body. For the rest of the day our superheroine finds herself in strange
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MP Creative - My Growing Girlfriend Combo Pack

MP Creative - My Growing Girlfriend Combo Pack

201 pages
187 mb.
Miranda and Ben happen onto a carnival. Under the big top they miss the show, but the ringleader comes out and gives Miranda a gift. After Miranda experiences a change in height, she finds out more information on what is making her grow.
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MP Creative - Perpetual Puberty 1

MP Creative - Perpetual Puberty 1

161 pages
112 mb.
All her life, Grace was the runt of the pack. Unlike everyone else, it seemed she really never got a chance to experience puberty, and the growth that comes with it. Always conscious about her meager frame, she finds a doctor who claims to be able
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MP Creative - Find a New Home

MP Creative - Find a New Home

401 pages
300 mb.
At Phoenix University, Kappa Alpha Beta has been a staple sorrority for over 100 years. They have a long line of highly successful alumni and has been THE sorrority to get into. There is only one problem with Kappa Alpha Beta: You really have to
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MP Creative - Locked Up

MP Creative - Locked Up

25 pages
20 mb.
Xia, a long-time criminal chooses an alternate type of rehabilitation. She should have asked more questions.
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MP Creative - A Casino Like No Other

MP Creative - A Casino Like No Other

301 pages
484 mb.
For decades, The Spare Change Casino has operated out of a small town in Washington state. The draw wasn’t just the gambling, but the extremely low prices for shows, food, and drinks. The owner, who was well into his 80’s, found running the casino
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MP Creative - Exchange

MP Creative - Exchange

40 pages
40 mb.
An old witch captures a warrior from the town and teaches her about the concept of exchange
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MP Creative - Goldie's Lonely

MP Creative - Goldie's Lonely

138 pages
104 mb.
Following his change into a busty succubus, Goldie finds herself lonely and missing her mistress. Goldie was never going to be able to wait until next Halloween! If she can't be with her mistress, at least she could maybe stay close to the woman
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