Harafung - Blind-date 3

Harafung - Blind-date 3

48 pages
114 mb.
How interesting a blind-date could be when a Brobdingnagian was recommended to a Lilliputian?
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OHH - A Christmas Wish

OHH - A Christmas Wish

7 pages
5 mb.
Mike has lost his job and his apartment. He's spending Christmas on his friend Vicky's couch. When Mike makes a wish, their world's are changed forever...
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Nellielle2 - A Little Bit of Protein

Nellielle2 - A Little Bit of Protein

3 pages
19 mb.
Robin had worked herself out tired after a very fulfilling gym session. Back at her home, to recoup some energy, she grabbed one of her favorite living morsels that she kept to replenish her energies and continue about her day. Another one lost...
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HGLock - Сandy

HGLock - Сandy

31 pages
34 mb.
Susan entered the dressing room and noticed women's clothes floating on the floor. Susan was interested and went to investigate. To his great surprise, when he lifted the breastplate, he noticed that a tiny woman, smaller than a baby mouse, was
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