Bury - How Big is Too Big 2

Bury - How Big is Too Big 2

9 pages
24 mb.
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SizeChange - Book of Spells

SizeChange - Book of Spells

53 pages
101 mb.
3 285 downloads
Casey and Emma find a magical spellbook at their house. Their classmate, Mariono, comes over to work on a project. They use a shrinking spell on him and he shrink down. Then then tease him about his tiny size and everytime they tease him, he shrinks
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SizeChange - Camille's Test Subject

SizeChange - Camille's Test Subject

70 pages
105 mb.
1 993 downloads
Camille is a PhD student at her school working on a shrink/growth tool. She put an ad in the school paper for a test subject. Angel volunteers to be tested and Camille first shrinks her down to 2% of her size. After seeing the success, Camille
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