Anuar - Lies Under the Hood... ver.1.0 Completed

Anuar - Lies Under the Hood... ver.1.0 Completed

492 mb.
An alternative take on the story of Little Red Riding Hood For English, French, Italian, Japan, China or Spanish languages: After launching the game, select the desired language.
Download Anuar - Lies Under the Hood... ver.1.0 Completed
Anuar - Typical Forger Day: Classic Edition Completed (EN/FR/IT/ES)

Anuar - Typical Forger Day: Classic Edition Completed (EN/FR/IT/ES)

820 mb.
A humorous game where you will learn how a typical day goes in the Forger family. Most likely it's not much different from your typical day.... And don't worry, Bond Forger the dog is not part of the family party. Because he's a very good boy. For
Download Anuar - Typical Forger Day: Classic Edition Completed (EN/FR/IT/ES)
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