Totempole collection comics UP 12.01.2015! (+114 pix)
211 pages
64 mb.
1 407 downloads
List 1. The Negotiations 2. The Cummoner The Black Book 3. The Cumtact 4. The Cummoner - First Time For Everything (Part 1) 5. The Cummoner - Morwena (Part 2) 6. The Cummoner - Bondage (Part 3) 7. The Cummoner - Hard Lesson (Part 4) 8. The Cummoner
Bloody Sugar Complete 23.02.2015
401 pages
107 mb.
2 161 downloads
Bloody Sugar is an online comic with a dark theme in the style of Van Helsing. The setting is Eastern Europe at end of the 19th century, near the turn of the 20th century! We start our story in the year 1899. Our heroine is Bette (Elisabette