Wax-G2 - Lelia Crisis Version 1.21 (jap)
368 mb.
1 457 downloads
DLsite jap 作品内容 女性主人公で敗北H形式の短編RPG 主人公のレリアが仲間と冒険に出てHな目にあったりします 総HCG約80枚、差分約1000枚 その他の非HCGやカットインなど約50枚 Hイベント約40件、処女状態等の派生込みで約50件、シーン回想あり Hシーン以外にも戦闘中の性的な攻撃カットイン、移動中のお手洗いや入浴などのショートイベントもあります 本編のHシーン対象は主人公の負けやマップ上のイベントが大半で、仲間はサブイベントや複数人イベントに登場します
Updates: 25-06-2020, 13:57
Reason: + 37 new pages
3D Artist - Sichiya
730 pages
321 mb.
1 891 downloads
Studio Ginkgo - Isekai Quest
76 mb.
1 138 downloads
You were summoned to Harem World, full of Anime Girls. You can seduce any girls you want to, but it comes at a price. Can you complete the quest and save the world? *Playing in a Full-screen mode is highly recommended, by clicking the button in the
Bunis - Randel Tales Ver 0.3
321 mb.
The story takes place in Merdian. A magical land with elves, dwarves, goblins and many other creatures but merdian has been under attack by the devil kings army for centuries. You are a young boy who was taken in by a merchant and brought to randel,
Updates: 24-06-2020, 23:59
Reason: New version 0.1.43
Lyla's Curse Version 0.1.43 by Voodoo Monkey
576 mb.
Lyla's Curse which is a game about an elf (Lyla) who is just about to finish up her magic schooling when she gets cursed with an item that suppresses her magic completely. This in turn causes her to fail her finals and needs to find a way to rid
Foo Fox - Lunar ver 0.26
332 mb.
Lunar is an episodic furry visual novel featuring: A compelling story (40k words and counting) of suspense, romance and self-discovery Dynamic dialogue system that you explore at your own pace 20 exquisitely rendered locations 7 unique musical