In Arenus you and your gladiator will give your best to reach the top of the Arena. During this you will experience a great story, many sexy scenes and important decisions that allow for a high replayability. We also love sci-fi, haha
New Content
Inflitrations have been reworked to offer more variety. You can now chose paths and temporary buffs as you fight through an inflitration including a new enemy.
We've added a new room to the Nova Lounge: Toilets. They will be used for CG Scenes. One of them already included.
Taxi! You can find one at both ends of the city. They drive you back home for only a small fee.
Inflitrations have been fixed
Elona Kebab Gift Request has been fixed
We've integrated a new NW.js version for better perfomance and x64 support
Double Elona bugs have been fixed
Several smaller fixes