Several people have informed us that they are experiencing a problem with the android version. They did not get to any place except the book store in the Diagon Alley. We apologize for this, but this is the first time we make the android version, and such problems are inevitable.
We built this version anew, replacing the navigation with a simple text menu. Everything works just fine on my device and in the emulator now. But I want you to check this on your devices. Please write here if you can or can not play the prologue. Or if you meet other errors.
- We added eleven new quests and several interactive events to the game. And you can consider interactive events as small quests. It is about 12,000 words of new text in this version (88к words and 54 quest in total, the game has become quite big now).
- You can see the continuation of the main storyline, from two sides.
- Four quests of this version are dedicated to bad guys. Or girls... This means that it will be more interesting for you to play as a Slytherin student.
- You will be able to use magic much more often than before. We took into account your complaints that there is too little magic in our game.
- This version play time ended at Dec, 20.
- You can be expelled from Hogwarts (game over) now.
- We reworked old scenes with flying hands. Now you can see the normally interacting characters instead.