Overview: An ordinary high school student named John comes across an object of immense power on an otherwise ordinary day. Will he use it to pursue his own deepest desires? Or will he and his friends be caught between forces they don't understand?
Version 4.6
A background was incorrectly referenced in Antics, which it now is not
The bug that prevented you from saving when the intro animation was enabled has been fixed
Nemuri's last name was wrong. From this version onwards he's a proper Otani again
In a few cases the Galleries would select the wrong thumbnail image. Now it's all prim and proper
A bug with windows file paths was fixed that prevented alpha masks for movies from working correctly
Apparently the filter to simulate color blindness was broken, but since nobody used it, we never noticed. Nobody's using it now, either, but at least it works now
A few small skip-proofing brush-ups were made in Antics
If timed choices are disabled in the preferences, the "fail" label that is jumped to if the timer runs out is added as a choice named "Timeout Choice" instead
The Android version of the game now comes in a "universal" format, meaning that no matter what Android device you have, the same APK file will work for everyone, anywhere
The macOS version of the game will be shipped as a notarized Mac app from this point onward. This resolves an issue with macOS versions (starting with macOS Catalina) refusing to open versions below 4.6 due to new and tighter security measures