The second released episode of The Little Black Bestiary, a series about cute monsters and the humans that date them. This episode introduces Tainara, an Iara from Brazil whom is an international student, a music major and an avid gamer. She challenges the protagonist to a video game strip bet with a predictably lewd outcome.
This episode is mainly a visual novel in it's story segments, but the game you play against Tainara is a fully featured pong-like action game with fighting game inspired mechanics and 7 unique playable characters. The game also allows you to trash talk and distract Tainara mid-game to affect the way she plays. There are 4 different 'base' sex scene cgs and the way the scenes play out depend on your final win/lose count when you win (or lose) the strip bet.
1.1 Public Release:
Changes from 1.0 Patreon release:
Typo corrections and bufixes I'm too lazy to completely list out and you probably wouldn't care to read them anyway.
CG gallery added. Still no scene replay so you might want to keep saves after clearing the final round of the minigame.
EZ mode added.