The Handyman is NSFW. it's a laid back point and click game where you try to accomplish simple tasks around a girls dorm. Easy enough, right? Well, as long as you don't get distracted by the girls who live in the dorm, because they're uh... bored... let's say.
v0.6.2 is a hot fix for a bug where Brooke would not stand up properly from couch
Changelog 0.6.1
Some things
Girls know how to turn on computers
Can no long knock Araceli off computer by turning off router
Bugs Fixed-
Day 6- Araceli no longer pees her pants
Day 6- can no longer give Araceli drink after she has cut material
Day 6- fixed issue where dialog was not exiting properly while talking to Brooke
No longer can get trapped in down stairs bathroom if you walk next to toilet as door is closing