Hi, I am a professional video game producer and love fetish content in video games. I'm planning on making one of the biggest fetish project 'Goddess of Trampling Video Game'. But you know life is hard and bills have to pay and it takes a lot of time and resources to make a game of this quality.
In that state, I need your support to make that dream game come true. and your support will not be unrequited, You will be able to experience the game in every new version. Already one playable version available for patrons.
About The Game:
Semi-God Perseus is about to save humanity from Hela the Goddess of Torture but there is a lot of challenge awaits him. either Perseus will defeat Hera or the humanity will be crushed under her feet.
v0.98 Patch Notes:
[RANKS] System added to game. Now you gain rank points by your actions. You will need these points in future updates. Check Customization > RANKS.
Save-system rewritten. Now system works more stable and secure.
All Stages [Hard Mode] difficulty rebalanced.
All Stages Gold Drop's readjusted.
[Luck] stat redesigned. Check Customization > STATS.
Goddess Gaia skin changed.
[Scating] and [Rank up pop-ups] added in Options. Turn them on if you want it.
You can reset game by pressing 'U key' anytime.
Overall graphics has been slightly improved.
Game performance has slightly improved.
Chapter 2-1:
Stage environment is greatly improved.
Some sound effects added and improved.
Amazon Sisters New Skills:
[Double Insect Crush] If the sisters are tied in rock paper scissors game, they will both crush you, like the insect you are.
[Royal Toilet] Warrior Princess will not hesitate to use your mouth as a toilet. This is her birthright. The royal families always use their slaves mouth as a toilet.
[Under The Royal Feet] Warrior Princess's under foot kill skill is remade. Now is more brutal.