[DN] [小山電脳技研] セティリスの憂鬱 / [Oyama Denno Giken] The depression of Cetirius
Title / タイトル: セティリスの憂鬱 / The depression of Cetirius
Brand / ブランド: 小山電脳技研 / Oyama Denno Giken
Release / 販売日: 2019/01/29
File list
[DN] [Oyama Denno Giken] The depression of Cetirius
autorun.inf (26 Bytes)
comment.txt (1.1 KiB)
filelist0.txt (53 Bytes)
install.txt (155 Bytes)
installer.bmp (192.1 KiB)
instsub.exe (68.0 KiB)
instsub.exe.manifest (479 Bytes)
launcher.exe (48.0 KiB)
launcher.exe.manifest (469 Bytes)
readme.txt (1.6 KiB)