Title Okasare Yuusha ~Ririshiku Sekai o Sukuu Hazu Datta Boku...~
Original title 犯され勇者~凛々しく世界を救うハズだったボク…~
Aliases Violated Hero ~I Wanted to Chivalrously Save the World~
* Concept
Dragoness, Mystic Warrior, Elf, Mandragora, Thief, Slime Girl...
To save the world the hero challenges each vixen of evil!
(and gets gleefully r*ped by her when he loses)
An epic, erotic fantasy world.
You are the naively driven hero who wants to vanquish villainy at its source: the Dragon inhabiting historic ruins!
It's a quest of many meetings, from normal to protective monster girls, and for some reason they're all sexual...
Can you rise to victory? Will you protect the peace of the world!?
Or will you falter, fail and die in a glorious blaze of sex...?
* Situations
Semen-milking squeeze of the dragoness
A magical warrior girl's furious footjob
The thief who strokes your c*ck while threatening to cut it off
P*ssy frotting from a cum-coaxing Venusian plant girl
Endless ejaculations from the chinpo devouring slime girl
Sex with a heavenly angel
Bewitching serpent uses her tawdry tentacle body
Loving dragon girl and team eternally consume you
Cum hell double titwank from dragoness and warrioress
... and more
* Main characters
You (the hero)
Dragona (dragoness) (CV: Maria Ayana)
Relia (mystic warrior) (CV: Mirai Toki)
* Minor characters
Philia (elf), 3x cat women (CV: Yuika Nakaajima)
Rafille (thief), Ezelda (snake) (CV: Yuu Haichi)
Serana (mage), Dora (plant) (CV: Yuri Ayase)
Tides (angel), Saya (slime), 3x other spirits (CV: Ryo Suzuki)
* Created by Dieselmine
See the homepage for details
Installation PatchCopy all content of the patch and paste in the game folder
Run “English patch install.bat”