Title: Kimi no Nagori wa Shizuka ni Yurete
Original title: 君 の 名 残 は 静 か に 揺 れ て
Other Title: imin み な ご, Kiminago, Flyable Heart if that time
Duration: Medium (10-30 hours)
Developer: Unison Shift: Blossom
Manufacturer: Unison Shift
Language: English (Patch)
Release: 28/05/2008
This is an ‘if’ story from UnisonShift’s popular 2009 title Flyable Heart, focusing on Mayuri.
One day, Shou received a student pass from the famous private school Hootori Ryouran Gakuen and decides to head there, tempted by free food. There, he meets a girl who is looking far into the distance. Her feelings could not be expressed as simply as lonely or sad.