You played as a man aged forty who has promised his family a lot. And now its the time to make the promise real. You must work hard and make much descisions for your life. And it will have influence on the others, too.
You have some hidden stats for trigger some situations and stats how your corruption or the corruption of your wife. You must raise the corruptions and the relationships with your family to get some events and more.
The game will have different endings for each character. On many things you have influence with what you do. Many things are possible. You can have a affair, cheating, or live in absolute love with your wife. You can make her more open for other things and more. But be careful with your descisions it is possible that it get out of your control
Content (255 new images, 2 animations):
Michelle’s swimming instructor is back to take over from you. Now is the time to clarify what is allowed and what is not. And to talk about the race you won or lost.
What happens when there are two people who want to change and just one booth is available? You do the math. (Added the next two steps with your wife at the pool)
If the television shows are boring, luckily your wife is there to make things more exciting on the couch. (Added more action with your wife in the living room for Saturdays at 22:00 o'clock)
Now that your wife has her new office outfit, that should of course be seen. And by her customers as well. (Added the next steps at your wife office)
Getting a bit of a dry throat? Luckily there is a bar in Landing City and you can go there on Sundays with Michelle as well. (Added the next visit at the bar with your wife, after some weeks automatic)
Now that Nina trusts you completely, you can of course let her do certain things. But it's not necessary. (Added more steps and action with Nina at her home for Mondays in the evening)
Lisa is looking for a willing victim to go and spend her money. Or should we say your money? (Added a new cut scene for Lisa on Monday if you reached Relation Level 3 before that)
Ah that first impression, so important in life. (Added a following up event for Lisa in the clothes store on a Saturday between 12:00 and 14:00 o’clock)
Improved some dialogues and scenes (Thanks to SDevil (Editor and Scene Writer))
You can see Nina’s Stats now only if you have met her
You can now change mc’s name on your Stats site
Reworked Lisa’s Bar event and reset it, it is now possible to pass one week which could lead to different outcomes on another visit.
Bug fixing:
Fixed a bug at the office which gave you the wrong message to buy a new outfit
Fixed a bug for Nina’s stats. The side for relation was blank on the first two levels
Fixed the hint in the stats not showing up for Lisa’s massage after you have reached the last night scene
Fixed Lisa’s Bra magically returning while massaging her. Off is off.
Fixed a problem with the stats for the fishing skill
Fixed some smaller bugs