The games follows a young student just before his first day at university. Innocent, he just arrived from his rural village. Without much money to start he accepts a place in an hormonal drug testing program set up by the university.
When he wakes up, he discovers with stupor that he suffered a sex-change.
He soons finds out he\'s not the only one in town it happened with.
He will thus try to recover his body, while continuing his daily life, the time that the serum will be produced (if it is)
Release of version 0.1e
A new day... A new version :
- Fix of the cabin bug during the second working day at the bar.
- Added a day/night/late night button (the alarm clock in the room) to facilitate access to all scenes.
- Added a button to disable animations for those who have the "cannot read width of null" error problem. the game asks at the beginning of the game if you want to activate it. It can be modified at any time in the option menu.