HDoom is a pornographic modification, being developed by Mike12 (aka HDoomGuy), for Doom. The modification replaces the game's weapon and enemy animations with hentai, turning most demons into nude female counterparts and adding adult animations for the Doomguy.
- A new monster (Archvile)
- A new Imp sex animation
- Countless code optimizations and bugfixes
- Incorporated a new version of Episode 1′s ending CG
Manual Installation:
1- Download the GZDoom archive that matches your OS and extract it to the desired location.
2- Download Freedoom and m12-hdoom_techdemo9 and extract/move them to where the gzdoom.exe is located at.
3- Drag "m12-hdoom_techdemo9.pk3" onto gzdoom.exe and then wait until the IWAD selection window shows up.
4- In the IWAD selection window, select Freedoom: Phase 1 and click on "Play GZDoom" to start playing.
Standalone (Windows Only):
1- Extract to desired location.
2- Drag "m12-hdoom_techdemo9.pk3" onto gzdoom.exe and then wait until the IWAD selection window shows up.
3- In the IWAD selection window, select Freedoom: Phase 1 and click on "Play GZDoom" to start playing.
Cheats can be used by typing them during gameplay. If you are playing on the highest difficulty, all cheats are disabled.
iddqd -- Invulnerability
idkfa -- Full health, ammo, weapons, armor and keys
idfa -- Full health, ammo, weapons, and armor
iddt -- Change map detail
idclip - Noclip
Summoning Enemies:
You can summon different enemies by entering summon and their name in the console. Ex: summon archvile
archvile, baronofhell, hellknight, demon, spectre, chaingunguy, doomimp, lostsoul, shotgunguy, and zombieman