The story takes place on the Island of Leridia, in a small village called Masa. Sylia, a young and pretty girl wants to become a Guardian. If she passes the Trial, she'll be the new Guardian of the village for one year, then she'll go to the Capital to be a Royal Guard after her mission, like her mother did in the past.
0.3.1 changelog " 0.3 BUGFIXES AND BALANCE
Content - Commnunity Event "The Rich Man" is available in the Inn of Basin. Go talk to him at his luxury suite on the right after having met the mayor in the main story - Added a Fame Pentagram in Kame Village (story advancing required) - Realm is back and can draw you a sketch at the beach of Basin when the port is free from creatures (saint and deviant sketch)
Bugs - The golden statue in the deep forest now teleport again to Masa Village after the temple - The forest shadows bug from the deep forest to the guilde hideout TP has been patched - The number of Master Points for Deviant has been set to 10 instead of 1 and the quest for 1st Ring can be finished - The Tame Pentagram in the hotsprings at night now works correctly - The image bug during H-Assault in the hotspring at night has been patched
Gameplay - The Custom event with the red slimes in Deep Forest is now a Flashback event and can be triggered after the temple - Avalanche skill now costs 45 TP and is active for 2 turns instead of 3 turns - Added paralyzed state on all enemies for Rain of Justice skill - Net is no more effective on Bosses and some H-Monsters - Body Drop does a little less damage - SideKick does a little more damage - Potion of confidence is now sold for 150 gold in item shop at Masa instead of 70 - Mental Herb recovers 10 MP instead of 8 - Mental Potion gives 20 MP instead of 15 - Lost Souls in the underworld had their hp reduced
Bonus : The option to submit in the fight against the big demon B. in ancient castle have new dialogs.