You are Jake. Loving Son and Brother on the cusp of manhood. A string of bad luck leaves your family homeless and your sister is seriously ill. You must guide Jake into manhood whilst saving your family by whatever means necessary. Just what kind of man Jake grows up to be, depends on you...
v 0.0.614
People weren't reading the intro text and so were getting confused on the first day so an additional "filler" scene has been added to the intro.
added alternative conclusion to "Ball check" chain of events
added two new books linked to the above chain of events
added new radio stories
added new minor character "Rosalind"
fixed some global variables
added courier job via Laura
added dialogue with Laura about being attracted to her
Added story arc for rejecting laura
Game now autosaves on quit and continue button now loads quit save
Added Christine comicon date
Cleared out some old code
Streamlined UI code
partially implemented morality system
added new Napping event