The story follows a young woman named, Chloe, on an adventure to become a great Police Officer. She comes from a bad background surrounded by abuse and neglect from her Ex-Boyfriend, Justin. She joined the academy to escape Justin, so that she could become a Police Officer and pursue an independent life without neglect and abuse.
Version 0.97a adds:
- Helping the Homeless final scene. (Afternoon - Industrial Sector)
- Church final scene. (Morning - Town)
- Sheriff & Tanya final scene. (Morning - Police Station)
- Farm final scene. (Afternoon - Farm)
- Louis NTR final scene. (Must have NTR on from earlier and done all scenes before with him using the telephone downstairs in the Afternoon.)
- Store Manager final scene (Morning - Town Store)
- Photoshoot final scene. (Night - Town)
- Alley Drugging final scene. (Night Industrial Sector)
- Dennis Strip Club - (Night - Home phone - NTR must be off.)
- Clothing Final Alteration (Afternoon - Town - Less than 30 Morale needed)
Another update will follow this one, it will include:
- Easter Egg Scene.
- Homeless man in town.
- 3 NEW NPC Events.