In Damsels and Dragons you play a man who is managing a group of female adventurers — 4 at first, but more as time goes on — forming parties, sending them on adventures, getting them magic items, etc.
Over time you will gain the affection of your adventurers, learn to cast spells, and engage in acts of lust and perversion.
Damsels 0.4 Changelog
New Content:
Added class, Enchantress, with appropriate renders and skills
Quest to the temple added
Added quest to rescue Felicity’s sister, which unlocks a minor new option for Felicity
Azielle has a new enchantment she can cast.
The third level of the dungeon is available, with a special boss to fight and a special reward.
UI Improvements:
Added a greeting for girls of very low intelligence, presumably as a result of the Ring of Bimbofication.
The number of rest days each girl needs is now displayed on the town screen, if she is neither dead nor needs to level up, so that you know when it is efficient to cast Energize.
There is now a button for removing just the last character from the party selection screen, rather than starting all over.
Various background graphics changed
Full screen renders for Sex and Rough sex
Character stats moved from the left side of the screen to the right side
Spell points now display with other stats for characters that use them.
All Monsters now have icons (i.e., added Quasit, Homunculus, and Naga pictures)