Rise of the PornStar - is a simulator of the porn manager. Your goal is to make the unknown girl to become the real star of the porn industry. How far will you be able to go for it.
Added quest line to VIPZone. To start you have to talk with.
Recently I was told that the buttons in this game are not good, something simplier will be better, so I made some changes. I hope you'll like it.
Fix: lesbian stat properly.
v 1.21:
Since there are so many changes in this version old saves won't be compatible.
New stat for your hero implemented - determination. It defines how focused protagonist is on earning money and promoting Magda. Determination drops constantly and should be restored. Now you hero can visit bar (when he isn't busy working on Magda's career or with preventing her from doing anything stupid) for relaxing and taking a couple of drinks. It is the only way to regain determination for now.
Now every new dress you bought grants you some small but pleasant bonuses, and two most expensive dresses can increase Magda's chances to have some special events in the bar.
Version 1.15 Changelog:
Massage room: new scenarios – hot girl-on-girl actions. 3 new animations.
New ending: True final for story of our protagonist, Magda and Sheri.
Reworked some already existing animations – random encounters with strangers in the club.
a lot of minor tweaks and fixes.
v 1.11.1:
Some minor tweaks and fixes.
v 1.11:
New location for pro movie shooting with different options.
Now you can meet Sheri on regular basis.
Altogether 6 new well detailed animations added.
Some tweaks and fixes.
v 1.06.1:
some minor fixes.
v 1.06:
improvements in "Stardust":
Whole scene was reworked, with Magda acquiring new, flashier and more realistic animations.
Three new animations for pole dancing replaced old one.
New animations for her working as hostess.
Situation with Magda being approached by stranger after her shift now has visual implementation, so now player can have better understanding if situation requires his involvement.
v 1.01:
error in code of Sheri's dungeon was found and fixed.
a lot of minor fixes.
v 1.0:
New events with Jessa and Sheri.
Some more animations for Magda and Sheri.
some minor tweaks and fixes.
- Text reworking is finally done. We will look through result and keep improving it, fixing remaining misspells and mistakes, but in general it is finished.
- Gyms shower event was improved! Now it can be repeated, and, depending from Magda, can evolve into new big sweet one!
Version 0.96.1 Changelog:
fixing typos and errors, reworked lot of text and scenes.
First of all, I finally found assistant to my work, and together we will work on overall improvement of the game, polishing all aspects, making game better looking, characters more alive and stories and motivations more realistic. And yes, a lot of smut!
(assistant waves) Yes, that’s me. I am Aleter, and I will be doing some naughty and smutty editing and writing from now on! (bows)
We are keeping polishing already existing content, trying to fix errors, giving more depth to characters and locations.
New character is coming to our show! Look for some little funny event with her in the gym, and expect to see more of her in the future! Also Magda’s workout animation reworked to fit this new event!
New animations added, now Magda will look way more alive ( at least at home
Now you can select name for your character!
Added one more (3someMMF) variation to Pro Movie shooting.
Now Brianna might call you to propose acting part for Magda. Chance for that is not high for begining but it going up a little every day. Also you can increase it by talking with Brianna in the club.
In both cases for full scene activation Magda need 50+ in Anal and Vaginal.
Added one more outfit for Magda. It become available after Magda's first apearance as covergirl.
Fixed error in Sheri's dungeon.
Some minor tweaks and fixes.
![Dinarproductions - Rise Of The Pornstar [Version 1.21] (2017) (Eng) Update](https://img116.imagetwist.com/th/20329/52yf731o4xe8.jpg)