This game centers around the adventures of Nathasha in a world devastated by war, where she will face marvellous encounters, interesting stories, artful enemies, fearful dangers, loyal friends and... other different things
v. 0.1gamma changelog:
fix: game app icon (windows mixer)
add: better error handling (full console log, auto open debug tools, error message info, etc.)
fix: skippable game messages (no timecodes)
fix: skippable intro slideshow (fast forward or exit)
fix: choose class fast forward prevention
fix: pixi.js deprecated methods complete wipe
add: tricky map debug layer (for testing purpose)
add: better custom window system (for future)
add: mouse support for scenes:
battle (enemy mouse selection, critical hits, etc.)
class chooser (up/down buttons, right click - exit)
title (disclamer active fields, main menu, etc)
menu (one-click - select/go to tab, two clicks - use item)
language chooser
game map (hold left - skip messages, click on map - go to)
intro slideshow (hold left button - speed up, right - skip)
wire minigame (ugly, but works, remake in future)
shooting minigame (only click)
med minigame (fast moving left-right half of screen)
add: mouse support options switch
add: mouse cursor
mod: map click effect
fix: electron fullscreen escape button conflict
fix: exit electron/nwjs process after window close
fix: some code refactoring
fix: winXP nw.js older version (dev console didn't work, but game still playable, tested in virtual machine)
mod: game saves now in nw/electron html5 web storage (export/import interface coming soon)
fix: windows path problem (electron version game resources packed in .asar archives)
fix: no-webgl support (3% users, slow, no fancy effects)
add: linux electron versions (tested on debian sid)