About the Game
In the game you play as a male MC who is searching for his father in a fantasyworld filled with monsters. Because he is more brain then muscle he only commands girls in battle. First he's only companion is his childhoodfriend Naris but soon he will find more girls who fight with him. They will have some typical classes like Mage, Warrior, Priestess and so on. There will be story related characters and characters you can only gain through side quests.
The game has two sides. There is the typical fighting monster, leveling up and exploring and on the other hand interact with the girls, get closer to them and level up there EcchiStats like Exhibition, Foreplay, Sex, and so on. So you can do more with them. Also the MC will have a Braverylevel. With a higher level you can ask more of the girls even give them some "not very usefull" commands in battle. The girls on the otherhand have a frustration meter. Frustration goes up when you give some nasty commands and you can't use here in battle anymore (but some chocolate is always helpfull in this situations ;-) )
Sex, exhibitionism, lesbian, orgy, molesting, Rape (female character can get raped in battle by monsters/enemies, also the male MC can rape female enemies/monster on higher level)
1.1 Talk System added
1.2 Mallen clothing added (Shirt, Trousers, Belt, West, Shoes)
1.3 Naris Hairstyle, purple panties added
1.4 Clothe Menu Pubic Hair function added
1.5 2D parts added (NarisFront: Shirt up, Izumi Socks, Skirt up, shirt open, pubic, panty shift, Bikini Top shift, Bikini Bottom Shift, Breastband up, BB down, Crystal, purple panty, purple panty shift)
2.1 Monster Encounter Chance lower
2.2 Animation speed faster
2.3 No Hair choise removed
2.4 2D parts updated (Naris Shirt, Hair, Skirt)
3.1 Map 4 Door north fixed
3.2 Map 7 Door south fixed
3.3 Silver Shard Text in Result Screen fixed
3.4 Underwear trough clothes improved
1.1 There are two ways to learn abilities. One is in combat against new enemies and the other one is by achieving certain condition (Example: For Torso Thrust you need I-Slash level 3 or higher. Befor you just got new abilities instantly now you have to go to interaction mode and talk to Naris to get them.
1.2 , 1.3 Mallen got finally clothes and doesn't need to walk around naked and with a boner all the time. I'm working on a second character. I translated the Hair and the panties to Naris. I want to test some physics with the hair because there very long. I put them as option in the game because I'm sure there are ppl that like longer hair more. Also added the panties for fun.