Two Sides is an Adult Game based on a story about a young man who decides to try his luck in a big city. The problem is that in one of his jobs to get money to keep up, he ends up acquiring the ability (or curse) to change his gender, voluntarily or randomly according to his level of masculine or feminine excitement.
Add Scenes
Anny in the Park
Anny and Jenny in the Park
Bret in the Park's Men's Bathroom
Dialogue Bret phone
Dialogue Anny phone
Redone Characters
Policeman Cooper Iray
Ashley Iray
Jenny Iray
Redone Locals
ThePark Area 01 & 02
Add Locales
ThePark Area 03
ThePark Area 04
ThePark Male Bathroom
Discontinued for this version
Scenes of Anny watching television with the protagonist
- It was necessary to withdraw, as it would not have enough content until the arrival of the weekend to occur the event.
Scene with Bret in the Garage
- I removed this scene because I'm going to redo the Garage
Scene with Sierra, after the Grocery Store
- I decided not to spend my days for now.
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