You are a noble daughter, eighteen years old and have impeccable morals.
You are also fat, happy and naive.
And you need to find a husband during the next week, the Debutantes\' Week.
Better shape up, toss that naivete and maybe your morals and go et yourself a man: the rivals don\'t sleep.
Well: they may sleep with your intended. So you will have to make him a better offer.
This game is a smaller version of \"Getting Married\": you can play one bride-to-be in her week long pursuit of marriage and social standing: without being caught at anything untoward and without failing, because either would get her kicked out. That is very unjust and completely unliberated, but too close to certain historical eras for comfort. The games is not, however set in a historical context, but in one modelled after a Victroean era of double standarts (and some magic).