The game’s story is told from the viewpoint of Ryoko as she lives one day of her sexual life as a school teacher. The events of the day are not predetermined, so each playthrough will have different outcomes based on the schedules of the other characters. Ryoko may find herself grabbing one of her students on the train, walking into the gym storage room to find her colleague in trouble, or helping a young couple on the school rooftop. You choose where Ryoko goes throughout her day, with different events that can occur during morning, noon and evening. When Ryoko decides it’s time for sex she doesn’t care where, making this game a joy to play through!
Sex-centric “nukige” story
Multiple sexual fetishes
Over a hundred erotic scenes by illustrator Kiriyama Taichi
Randomized encounters make each playthrough unique
Eight game endings to explore
Full voice acting from industry veterans such as Tamiyasu Tomoe (Little Busters, Grisaia series), Itou Sara, and Ichimura Oma
On the surface, Ryoko Sumeragi seems to be a dedicated teacher at a private academy, but in reality she’s a nymphomaniac who loves to have as much sex as possible, from morning till night!