The story starts off in the world of Runda’almare, where a rift has appeared leading to our world. This isn’t uncommon, however do to what happened the last time a rift appeared, the El’wen (Fae race of Runda’almare) are choosing to be cautious. You take the role of Tabitha, a not so normal Fae, who’s been tasked with scouting the human world, and examining how they have evolved since the last rift. Though something isn’t quite right, and the history books may have been lying about the last human world expedition.
07b – Animation Patch
“Apparently when RPGMaker bundled the latest release it excluded 300+ images required for animations to work properly. This version addresses that by adding them back in.
Also I’ve compressed all the images for both the maps and scenes, so this version should be friendlier on all rigs. Total download is roughly 200 megs smaller.
I’m working on a Fast Skip to Ch2 option that will go in the next patch with the Quest Tracking fix (Think I found the problem there.)
If you are having issues with past saves, please make sure you are copying over the “config.rpgsave” file that is also in the save folder. That may fix the issues. (May also need to copy over the “global.rpgsave” file…)”