greeting phrases and reactions to nudity, depending on MC's and NPC's stats; new dialog option - erotic stories;
a dozen of abilities; a few new dialogs, events and quests;
some icons, frames, texts were redrawn or replaced with higher resolution variants - the way they are displayed in game changed accordingly; I'm slowly reworking the interface into 4k resolution;
new history frame for tracking the events, dates, statistics; it displays only stats of 2 new repeatable events at this moments, but I will add an entry for every major occasion/date as development goes;
an action system for NPCs - moving, sleeping, masturbating;
fixed an issue with memory leaks in events; changed the way not accessible actions are introduced in the game;
clickable figures of NPCs will now appear on the screen, when NPCs are in the same location, as the MC;
all in all about 30 pages of text in Russian and similar amount in English;