In this installment of Diva X series, interactive cybersex simulators, you meet Ariana, a lonesome brunette in the hotel's lobby. She was reading a book, until you came to her and began the conversation. The next events move you both to her apartment for certain reasons. The first intimate encounter with her will give you some pleasure, but more experience will be gained by your next interactive actions.
With TFUI(tm) 2.0 Technology (Touch Feel User Interface), an intuitive icon-based 3-D interface that mimics human spoken language, you are allowed to touch and sexually interact with Ariana, in real-time, from the first-person view. So, in the game you should stimulate the woman with advanced sexual functions: tongue, self-stimulation, special toys as well as your own hands and body.
It also includes X-Director(tm). Literally sitting in the director's seat, you take full control of the sex scenes in FMV and direct Ariana to do as you command. Advanced editing functions include record, play, save and edit XXX interactive sequences and create your own full length movies for future playback. Zoom and multiple camera angles may be varied also.
The gallery of Ariana's static pictures in compromising situations and video-shoot outtakes are also present.