An adult game brings together brothel manager trivia with sexy story lines and battles. Hire game characters to serve brothel tasks, or use them as party members to complete quests and unlock unique characters for your service. And it's not all about sex, we are trying to make it interesting like management/RPG game itself.
There are so many bugs to overcome. It's just frustrating to not able to make any changes without breaking other things. So I took some time to clean up old code to make it understandable, stable and changable (if it makes any sense). It's far from done, but it's the road I have to overcome.
It's more a bug fix update then a new stuff update.
So far:
- Gym is working in basic mode. You can pump up any of your characters there. After 5 every day workouts you'll change your body build. As well as you can lose fitness in 5 days if you haven't attend the gym. New traits for body complexion are ready. For now it's just labels, but we're going to add effects for them.
- Main line for dialogues with gym instructors are halted for now, despite a lot of animations with gym machine are ready. There are going to be two gym instructors for odd and even day each one.
- fixed Slums. No buttons and means to exit after different events. Fixed whole event changing algorithm. Now they will change when time passes when you are at different then slums locations. After 25 REP you'll unlock TEAMS and first THREAT event here.
- fixed TEAMS. Now they do save correctly. Now they attached to controls and available at any screen with character line. You can show/hide teams with a lil button next to party char. You can drag and swap characters in teams in any way, it works flawless. Targets for dragging are highlighted correctly.
- fixed team assignment at slums. After securing TREAT event at SLUMS you can assign team of 3 chars there to OFFER GIRLS, RECRUIT or DEFEND. You can setup bonuses for offering girls, but earned money kept at team, so you have to visit them again to collect them. Peek option for slums accessible from reception.
- fixed map movement bug. Now navigation arrows work fine after entering /exiting any locations. (Basically whole map moving system now ready, not just one east slide)
- fixed health bar endless lines. There a lot of other bugs in combat, I'll tend to them later.
- fixed NPC chars saving and missing items.
We're sitting on new stuff with Hitomi B2 travel. But first I want to methodically check main locations for most game breaking bugs before proceed any further. Because last time I wasn't event able to compile the game at all due to breakness of it's parts. And it's super depressive. Plus I like to tinker a bit around balance for spawning clients, girls and thugs. Let me know about most annoying bugs.
P.S. Mac version will be available in a few days.
P.P.S. Having timer sometimes is super pressing. It says to you - make it quick and barely working just to be able to place a tick on another 'added feature' in the list. But in the end the heap of 'fast edits' strikes you back. It's just brings satisfaction to be able to methodically repair things.