As the name suggests this happens after a rather nasty event in the near future, aliens invade and attempt to wipe out humanity with a viral agent that they just call the Mutagen. As the aliens have experienced on countless other worlds, the mutagen warps the DNA of what ever species it comes into contact with, and changes them in random, violent, and always fatal ways….
Now the reason this is important is because, when they used it on Earth, everything happened to how they expected it to. But after a few months of deaths, and horror….. Humanity changed to accept the mutagen into their genetic structure. This allowed them to survive the plague, grow stronger, and become something else, they were Altered in such a way that the survivors were no longer base line humans.
Humanity took to calling the survivors, Altered beings, and the Altered beings helped to win the war against the alien invaders, and send them back to the stars. Now adays you can find Altered beings in almost all aspects of Humanity. They are soldiers, police, heroes, villains, politicians, models, and so much more. Their abilities run the gamot from super strength, invulnerability, immortality, laser eye beams, the ability to change their shape, enhanced physical and mental abilities, enhanced looks and personality, aura’s that effect people around them, and change their molecular structure at will….. But there is also shape shifters, Psionics, and Magic is all now apart of the world.
Now with all of this you must be asking…. What about the normal people… Are there any.
Yes, there is. Some of the survivors for what ever reason didn’t change, they woke up healthy and normal. But with an immunity to the Mutagen that allowed them to work with others who were infected. Also some parts of the world were successfully quarantined before they were able to get infected.
Version 0.55a Changelog:
New and updated images – around 150 total. Mostly centered around the Neighborhood conversations. But also some in the base, and in the new locations.
4 New locations – Forest Date /w Sister, Resort date, Downtown block 1 and 2.
New NPC – Killawat, Female Altered working on the Police force. Contact for Non-Agent PC’s, eventually will be romancable.
Chat system has been brought to an almost final version, just need to get the edits done on the different choices to show personality adjustments.
Calendar is installed and fully Functional.
Aura’s are fixed and fully working now.
Special scenes, and daily conversations are now functional. So you should find a TON of new content that was being hidden behind a bug I hadn’t discovered yet.
I forget the total number of new scenes I added. But there is a new scene in downtown 2, the Altered PD (move your mouse around the middle of the map you will find 2 places you can interact), the forest date has a VERY brief scene basically introducing you to the area, but no real content is added yet. The Mountain resort has 1 interaction with the PC’s Sister, but eventually several char’s will have interactions there. The Forest date is accessed from the Base starting on day 4. The Mountain resort happens from the neighborhood, and allows you to visit it every thursday in game time. Atm, there is only the initial scene, but more content will be getting added every now and then.
Downtown is now only accessed from day 8 onward. Killawat will have interactions from day 8 – 15, but only the first is coded in.
I am testing a system that doesn’t have all the boxes around the places you can interact, I am trying something new, so I can add some hidden locations in the future, as easter egg’s or surprise content. I will also be using this system in the future for certain quests.