Haramase Simulator 2017 is an open ended visual-novel focused on the impregnation 'fetish'. In it, you are free to roam around and impregnate as many women as you can, provided you know how to manage your stamina, money and other stats. The game is currently being worked on by a couple of anons, and it's in the very early stages of development, so expect it to be a little rough around the edges. The characters are an ensemble of some of my favorite hentai girls, shamelessly ripped off from commercial japanse visual novels. Sauce for them is in the README (along with some other useful information).
The Random Girl Engine:
Green Man has saved the day by adding sex encounters to just about every explorable location. Reaching the pregnancy count requirements for some of the higher tier girls should be much easier. Each time you explore a location there is a chance for a random encounter. Just pay your H.F.F fee and go to town.
Expanded Arcade:
Saaz has used his superior python knowledge to flesh out the arcade. Take a visit and enjoy some new ways to kill time and make credits.
The Oracle:
Once again Green Man is on top of his game. We’ve heard your complaints about the obscure unlock requirements for some of the girls. In response Green Man has added the Oracle. In return for a few credits she will give you hints towards further unlocking a character of your choice.
Achievement System:
Saaz has added an achievement system. This adds some extra goals to work towards as well as providing rewards for unlocking them.