Sakurai Mato, the young man with a tendency that from past experience "can not be excited only in the poor girl of growth". In such him, busty sis. a succubus-Teana came. "To ask do it there is! My" propensity "overcome, do not you cooperate!?" And asked the true Doo, and to overcome their own proclivities. If even succubus of technique, surely should myself also return to the honest man -! Such a pale wish, and I decided to commit to this chance encounter. And Tiana true doo of semen want, Mato you want to return to honest man in sex with Teana. And, Succubus Alicia of selling conservative body that enters by dividing there. Two people true DOO semen want, !? really Mato ...... to come to seduce true Doo both using that body, would be able to return to overcome the propensity honest man.