Title : Sarakedase! Yagai Roshutsu Haishin, Reveal it! Outdoor exposure broadcast, Expose yourself! Outdoor exposure streaming
Original Title : さらけだせ!野外露出配信
Language :, ENglish (Edited MTL by Goblin Slayer II)
Developer : Gaondo, ガオン堂
Released date : 2024-10-03, 2025-01-01 (en)
Reika-chan is an unsuccessful streamer at the bottom.
While streaming as usual, her panties accidentally appear in the frame, and she receives more tips and comments than she’s ever experienced before…
She can’t forget the pleasure of being the center of attention at that moment, and little by little her reason melts away, becoming more and more bold.
But what lies ahead when she loses all reason…?!