Title : Katagiri-san is Cold to Me, Katagiri-san is very cold
Original title : 片桐さんは僕に冷たい。
Developer: +kaze-t
Released date: 2024-02-23, 2024-11-23 (steam)
Language : Japanese, English (Official Steam & Official Ai TL by dev)
You wake up in a dimly lit room, with your classmate Katagiri-san in front of you. Why are you here? Who could've done it? Why is she here? Maybe there is a way to get out of this place... Try to find your way out in this short escape room RPG with hints of horror, comedy, and a bit of spice!
"Katagiri-san is very cold" is an RPG game produced by プラスカゼット and published by Hanabi games.
You wake up in a dimly lit room, with your classmate Katagiri-san in front of you. Why are you here? Who could've done it? Why is she here? Maybe there is a way to get out of this place... Try to find your way out in this short escape room RPG with hints of horror, comedy, and a bit of spice!
Captivating story