Season 2 continues the story of Aurum as he makes his way out of the Janitor profession and is promoted to the Security team. The world is expanding, and so are the dangers you face as part of the Security team. New duties, new expectations, and new ways to influence the story rear their heads, along with a whopping 49 planned side stories/characters to interact with.
This iteration of the series takes everything linear that story-focused players loved and adds the most requested feature: more control over your playthrough. We've added special "Free Time" breaks in the main story that allow you to choose a girl or two to spend time with and further your relationship with. These are optional, and you have the option to go straight back into the main story if you wish. But each girl is going to have a fully fleshed-out side story of her own, and it's in the side stories that most of the lewd content will be featured.