Title : Slay the Dragon! The Fire-Breathing Tyrant Meets Her Match!
Original Title : –
Language : English (Official)
Developer : Outis Media
Released date : 2024-04-02
Play the role of an unassuming lifeguard, trapped beneath the claws of a dragon with massive tits and a nasty attitude. Make what few choices you can, and do all you're able to escape her reign of terror. Your chances of survival are low, but not zero.
A lewd branching tale of blackmail and debauchery. You play a plain-faced lifeguard who abandoned hisdreams of coaching monster athletics after surviving a life-threatening accident. You've since reserved yourself to working at the local fitness center and taking a backseat.
Your laid-back attitude in the company of the locals and your childhood friend earns the scorn and ire of a fire-breathing dragon, with giant tits and a nasty attitude.
Freya Knox has set her sights on you and wants nothing more than to ruin the life you've built... for sheer entertainment, and to wring every drop from you that she possibly can.
What weapons do you really have to fight off a fire-breathing dragon... ?
More About this Game
Three full-length erotic scenes illustrated by VAPOR, featuring the pint-sized tyrant, Freya Knox
A new, original Soundtrack by Dr. Doot ("Seeds of Paradise")
Five endings that conclude Freya's (and your) story
A brief but branching interconnected tale of debauchery that ties in with the other Outis Media IPs to date, with faces and names that are both new and familiar