Title : Tomodachi no Kyonyuu Mama wa Zenbu Orenomono! Tomohaha Netori Haramase Harem
Original Title : 友達の巨乳ママは全部オレのモノ!友母寝取り孕ませハーレム
Language : Japanese (Official)
Developer : Miel
Released date : 2024-03-22
In a society with a declining birthrate, where a big dick and adultery are prized and cuckoldry is encouraged as long as it results in impregnation, the protagonist lives in a world where his five friends keep telling him about his fake lower body.
The protagonist, who lives in such a society, is constantly told by his five friends that they are proud of their lower bodies, and as a result, he lives a life of self-disparagement and self-disparagement.
One day, however, when one of his friends’ mother looks at his crotch, he discovers that he is, in fact, one of the world’s most prolific adulterers!
The hero, who has gained a new sense of self, fucks the mothers of five of his friends, each of whom has a different type of beauty, one after the other, and then sleeps with them.
Thus begins a harem sex life in which he can impregnate as many of his friends’ mothers as he wants, and relieve the frustration he has felt up until now.