Vampire's Knight is an +18 action platformer with handcrafted pixel animations, where you will be engaged with live movement and combat mechanic of the character.
Play as sword-wielding vampire in medieval fantasy world.
Combat/Capture sex : the sex can happen during the combat with an escape mechanic.
Controls :
A/D --> Walk/Run
W --> Jump and Climb
V --> Attack or Escape
C --> Dash
E --> Heal
Tips :
Regenerate enough stamina before you start to struggle. Pressing "V" consumes stamina each time you use it, If you press "V" right when the H-Anim starts (when you have 0 Stamina after being knocked), you're not letting yourself regenerate enough stamina to escape.
Try not to miss the timing. missing the timing when pressing "V" will deplete your escape gauge even more than not pressing "V" at all.
Press W to stand up if you have enough stamina (heal right after you got knocked) or after the enemy finished the h-anim.