The story centers around future college student who is enjoying his summertime, surrounded by beautiful women and facing different challenges. He is young, full of enthusiasm and ready for new adventures that life has prepared for him. His gorgeous Landlady is pretty upset with her recent divorce and he just met hot, mysterious Nicole. How will his life change? What choices will he make? Take the role of the protagonist and let the lewd show begin.
Ep.3 + Ep.4
1500 renders including 250 still +1250 renders of animation.
8 animations
4 new songs
Ep.2 - Remaster
Over 1500 renders (Still + animation)
Over 10 new sound effects
12 animations
5 new songs
Ep. 1 - Remaster
-30% of images rerendered
-Added new animations
-Changed writing part.
Initial Release