Title : NTR! Busy life in the town that loves to get busy!
Original Title : NTR!箱庭ご近所生活 ~妻と娘で引っ越した先は大変な町だった!~
Language : English (FanTL by Saikey)
Developer : Thousand Year Village
Released date : 2023-08-26
A woman and her daughter move to a new town and experience a busy, fulfilling life of
NTR sex!
Shopping, restaurants, museums -- this town has it all! How will you handle your new life?
Will you be a workaholic? Will you go on lots of dates with your wife?
And what about your daughter? Will you raise her attentively, or will you just let her do
whatever she wants?
A modern-day lifestyle RPG where the choice is up to you!