Title: Kutsujoku 2
Developer: BISHOP
Publisher: BISHOP
Release date: 25 Jul, 2023
Version: Final
Language: English (MTL Edit)
Censored: Yes (Mosaics)
>Install font bsxx.ttf then Run ktjk2.exe or startup.exe (click first choice) using Japanese System Locale (Important)
Note: There may be some text display problems with the Translation. This is related to system locale. You can either try to change system locale, or just don’t use bsxx.dat file.
The protagonist is a physical education teacher who works at a girls' school. He is a victim of bullying from both student and teachers. And he is strongly uncomfortable with himself.
He soon learns the source of his discomfort.
The moment he sees a girls face, the new student, the uneasy feeling in his heart increases.
He soon learned that she was a relative of his, and he recall memories of the past that he forgotten.
The protagonist was a man who deeply enjoyed humiliating women. In the past he was an outcast who uses his ability to control the human body to commit a large number of lewd acts.
Having regained his true self, the protagonist sets out to satiate his own desires.