Title: Boku Mama x Tomo Mama Koukan Hameppu Life ~Bosei Afureru Bokura no Kyonyuu Mama-tachi wa Haitoku ni Mimodae Nagara Amaenbou o Musabori Aegu~
Release year: 2022
Release date: 2022/10/30 (original 2018/11/30)
Genre: ADV, Animation, NTR, Swapping/Swinging, Incest, Married, Mature, Hairy, Big tits,
Corruption, Touching, Straight, Blowjob, Anal, Group Sex, Titsjob, Creampie, Pregnant
Censorship: yes
Developer/Publisher: ANIM.teamMM, Capu Translations
Platform: PC/Windows
Publication type: Pirate (unofficial)
Tabletka: Present
Version: 1.00
Game language (plot): pic English
Interface language: pic Japanese
Voice language: pic Japanese
One day, the protagonist, "Takumi" witnessed it... His mother "Mayumi", and his friend "Eita" together,
engaged in carnal pleasure. Fleeing from the sight of this, he runs into his friend's mother "Ayako", and
together their relationship evolves into one between a man and a woman. Takumi, madly obsessed with
this woman he has long since adored, is soon found out by his friend Eita. The two butt heads, and so they
challenge one another, "Which one of us can truly prove they love their partner the most!?"
And so begins the mother-son group sex competition...
100% of the scenes are open in EXTRA and FLOW, to reset to zero, you need to delete the mamap_system.dat file.