The game takes place in the small and remote town called "Goodtown", you will actively search for clues, interrogate the different residents and close friends and slowly but surely make your way in to solving the case.
Noteworthy Points
It contains a lot of sexual content, and hopefully, long & worthwhile build-ups.
The game is meant to be played with the sound on since it contains a lot of voices, music, sounds, etc... (No horror elements)
This is a semi-short and relatively linear game that contains multiple scenes, some secret, which you can unlock.
The game contains a total of 86 animations
71 of which are adult-related animations (only available in the full version)
It contains an interrogation mechanic which allow you to ask questions on clues you find and people you meet.
You may re-visit the scenes you unlock from the main menu.
The full version (not this one) contains the walkthrough in a separate file.