Pin-Point - Orebichi - A Hardcore Man's Man Turns Into a Massive Slut! - Glory of the Self-Styled Diehard Bitch: From Dating to Mating Final (eng)

Tags: pin-point adv dirty talk successive orgasms sex change transsexual slavery teen shemale gangbang pregnant schoolgirl slut gender bender
Category: Porn Games
Artist: Pin-Point
Size: 388 Mb.
Downloads: 1 970
Comments: 0
Date: 12-07-2022, 12:08
Artist: Pin-Point
Size: 388 Mb.
Downloads: 1 970
Comments: 0
Date: 12-07-2022, 12:08
PINPOINT presents an enormous high quality
gender-swapped (male -> female) adventure game!!!!!!!!!!
What if a rough, masculine go-getter shonen became a lovely young girl!?
"Hey, show me your tits..."
"Let's go find a quiet place to be together baby."
"W-won't you wear this uniform...?"
"I'm a guy, dammit!"
Kaoru was a stalwart young man dedicated to zest, justice, passion and awesomeness...
He defended the weak and challenged the strong and hated villains.
One day while trying to save a child from the street, he was struck by a vehicle...
And woke up in a girl's body. "What the..."
Her massive breasts, perky cute ponytail and ripe peach ass made Kaoru a sex magnet.
Now Kaoru is discovering his femininity side from the outside in...
Play types:
- masturbating while staring at her own body
- blowjob to her friend
- groped while in a humiliating pose
- helping her friends lose virginity
- anal sex in gym shorts
- sex at the love hotel
- sex with a shemale at a meet party
- paid dating with a middle-age man
and more
She roleplays as daddy's little girl, flatters her dates and gets violated by a sleazebag for a porno DVD...
Highly recommended to lovers of mixed up gender-confused heroine XXX.
Wild scenarios of dirty talk and gapeface: only from PINPOINT!
TL Notes
These are some behind the scenes notes about the translation (and the game)
that I've written down for those who are curious. If you've read any of my other
VN translations this will be a lot of the same. None of this is necessary to enjoy
the game and is largely just rambling by someone who spent waaay too long on this project.
(And to be upfront it's a lot more negative compared to my past TL notes.)
Spoilers, yadda yadda.
Regardless enjoy the game, and thank you for reading my translation.
(Next game will be something with more of an actual plot, hopefully.)
1. Pin-Point Crazy
For those of you who have already read the game, I just have to open up by talking
about the sheer amount of craziness in the dialogue in Pin-Point games. Pushing the
plot aside (which is dumb, but we'll get to that), Pin-Point games have a theme of
making their main heroines brain-dead maniacs once the sex starts.
What that means is ludicrous amounts of screaming, crazy mashing together of sex-themed nouns,
and a habit of repeating the same fucking thing over and over again (the men do it too).
For the screaming, it's just plain annoying. Sure you might think, "It's just moans, that's
super easy to translate!" and while you're right, you're also not. Maybe it's just me, but
entire text lines of just "Aaaaah" or "Ooooh" look ugly, both from a text balancing perspective
and just from simple character repetition. I left a lot of it in, but some of you sharp eared
folk might have noticed I didn't "fully translate" all of the moans. That's on purpose, mainly
because A. The entire line is just screaming or B. I just didn't feel like beating my 'a' key
to death. Voice acting exists for a reason eroge writers, stop typing out blocks of moans
when you already paid a VA good money to do it for you.
As for the crazy lines, I just left that shit in there. I didn't even bother trying to
rephrase it or make it sound more natural in English because it's just as bonkers in Japanese.
If it was too ridiculous for you I hope it at least got a laugh out of you, and if you liked
it I highly recommend other Pin-Point games because that's their bread and butter.
2. The System
So from my best guess from looking under the hood it looks like this game was made by
cannibalizing two other Pin-Point games and just altering the code a little to fit new
assets and a new script. A lot of the other two games, including UI images, the entirety of
both games ending code and script, as well as some other miscellaneous assets are still
packaged in with this game. You'll never find any of it without opening up the data.xp3 file
but it's interesting that this game is somewhat bloated by the games it was built on.
(This is also a roundabout way of excusing myself for missing any untranslated engine stuff)
3. Repetitiveness
The other two games I translated had their fair share of repetitive lines, but holy shit does
this game take the cake for the amount of times I had to translate the same couple words.
As I'm sure you've noticed the "(I'm a guy) but for some reason..." line comes up in basically
every single scene of the game, and it's enough to drive you insane. I get that's the whole kink
of the story, but holy shit this author had no sense of depth when it came to developing it.
Even by the end of the game when Kaoru is supposed to be in full slut mode she still won't stop
saying that shit. If I see another のに ever again I'm gonna scream.
A close runner-up is any line dealing with his "pride" or "masculinity".
We get it, you don't think taking a dick up the ass is very manly, shut up already Kaoru.
At least they're not "losing control" every five seconds like in the other games I've TLd.
4. Opinion
Note: This section is my personal opinion (more so than the others), please ignore if you don't care.
If you've read my other TLs you might be wondering why I picked something so sex heavy compared
to the previous two VNs. Simply put, I read this a while back and remembered it being way better
than it actually was. Gender-swap/generbending stuff isn't translated very often, so considering
the relatively short length of this game and my once positive opinion of it I ended up picking it
for my next TL project. This was a mistake that cost me many months of not translating stuff I
would have actually enjoyed to translate (mainly because of the sex scenes).
The story also gets repetitive so quickly. Kaoru's broken "I'm a man and men do this" mentality
was honestly so dumb. "Yeah, I'll totally go pee with my buddies, because I'm a man!" is just
so mind-numbingly idiotic, even for a nukige. I honestly don't think the author thought very
hard about how he was going to get Kaoru from pure to broken, so he just threw together some
random bullshit scenes and forced the protagonist through them until the story was over.
Also the sexual torture scene was the absolute worst part of this game. I might just have a warped
perspective because I translated it (and it's not really my thing fetish wise), but good god it
felt like it would never end. The author ran out of ways of describing "They almost make her
cum...but then they don't!" so fucking quickly and it shows. It was honestly one of the most
tedious things I've ever translated in my life (and I've translated legal documents for fucks sake).
If anyone went insane during that scene it was me.
5. Conclusion
To be blunt, I'm glad I'm done with this. It had its good points,
but I got sick of this game way quicker than I expected to.
Hopefully you enjoyed it more than I did.
At the very least I'm happy knowing I finished another VN translation.
Next project is definitely going to be something either with a more of a plot or at the
very least something a little more "grounded" that whatever the hell Kaoru was doing.
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